korosuke613 / myHomepage
Goals & Controls

Traffic lights for selected metrics.

  • Controls enable you to set traffic lights or alarms for any of the Sokrates metrics. An alarm is defined with a desired range and tolerance.
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Keep the system simple and easy to change
Aim at keeping the system size modest (less than 200,000 LOC is good), duplication low (less than 5% is good), files small (no files longer than 1000 LOC is good), and units simple (no units with more than 25 decision points is good).
Status Metric Desired Range
[from - to] ±tolerance
Current Value Description
OK LINES_OF_CODE_MAIN [0 - 200000] ±20000 3,477 Total number of lines of main code
OK DUPLICATION_PERCENTAGE [0 - 5] ±1 4.5 System duplication
OK VERY_HIGH_RISK_FILE_SIZE_COUNT [0 - 0] ±1 0 The number of very large files
OK CONDITIONAL_COMPLEXITY_VERY_HIGH_RISK_COUNT [0 - 0] ±1 0 Number of very complex units